Clarinda Regional Health Center Logo

(712) 542-2176


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Our Mission

The mission of the Partners in Exceptional Care organization is to provide support for Clarinda Regional Health Center through volunteered time and fundraising efforts to enhance the health and welfare of the communities it serves.

Who We Are

The Partners in Exceptional Care is a combination of two amazing groups, the Clarinda Regional Health Center Auxiliary which started in 1964 and the Clarinda Medical Foundation which started in 1999. The PEC is a not-for-profit, tax exempt corporation organized under the Federal Tax Code as a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization. It is an excellent vehicle for friends to support CRHC and its related programs.

Watch the Recap Video from the 2025 Platinum Ball!

PEC Donations Make a Difference!

Transport Wheelchair purchased for Infusion Center

The Infusion Department needed a transport wheelchair that was easy for patients to get in and out of, had comfortable cushioning, and was lightweight and easy to maneuver. Fortunately, PEC had some very generous donors to help with this purchase. Pictured to the right is a patient using a wheelchair after an appointment. Thank you to our donors who continue to make positive impacts on the lives of our patients and staff while they work or receive care at our facility.

Local Donations Help Make Equipment Purchases for EMS

Thanks to generous donations received from staff and community members, the EMS team purchased additional lift-assist devices for the ambulances. These devices will greatly benefit patients as well as reduce injury to staff.  Lifting patients is often the most challenging and dangerous job function for emergency medical providers. The Binder Lift changes this by attaching up to 32 handles to the patient’s torso so providers can effectively team lift, use better ergonomics, and avoid causing harm or discomfort to the patient. Jenn Chambers, Director of Emergency Services said, "I am thrilled to be able to purchase the Binder Lifts for our EMS Department. With the generous donations we received we were able to acquire lifts that will fit patients of all sizes. We are extremely appreciative of this opportunity." PEC is thankful for our generous donors. Without their help, our organization could not provide the quality of care we do. 

Stay Up to Date with PEC's e-newsletter!

There are many ways to stay up to date with the latest things happening with all the great things Partners In Exceptional Care is doing for the hospital and out community. First, sign up to receive our quarterly newsletter! You can also follow our Facebook page for updates and happenings for our Gift Shop or hospital news. We'd also love for you to become a member of PEC or sign up to be a volunteer and help further our mission and vision!

How Can I Get Involved?


Donations Received 


Donors in 2024


PEC Support for Community


Volunteer Hours Worked 


In PEC Support for CRHC


Volunteers in 2024


Employee Donations


CRHC Employee Donors


Donations Received 


In PEC Support for CRHC


Donors in 2021


PEC Support for Community


Employee Donations


Volunteer Hours Worked 


Volunteers in 2021


CRHC Employee Volunteers
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