Recreational therapy is a systematic approach that utilizes an activity-based treatment plan to address an individual’s physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual domains of wellness while they are in our Transitional Care program. The recreational therapy portion of the program evaluates an individual’s leisure interests and goals. CRHC's recreational therapist and therapy providers assess those interests and incorporate them into the patient’s overall therapy goals.
This therapy also consists of leisure education. Leisure education is a program for individuals to learn of the adaptations that are available to implement activities. This program strives for individuals to sustain a healthy leisure lifestyle and wellbeing. There is a purpose behind the activities that are specifically designed for each patient. Prescribed activity is to increase an individual’s independence, quality of life, and well-being.
Patient enjoy Pet Therapy visits
Patient enjoy Pet Therapy visits
Patient enjoy Pet Therapy visits
Patient enjoy Pet Therapy visits
Patients get together to play a game of cards
Patients get together to play a game of cards
Patients get together to play a game of cards
Patients get together to play a game of cards
A game of Connect Four is entertaining and a fun challenge
A fun game of connect four is entertaining and a fun challenge
A fun game of connect four is entertaining and a fun challenge
Thank you to the Lied Public Library for the donation of the ipad to our Transitional Care Program.
Clarinda Lied Public Library stopped by to teach our TC patients how to play Pitch!
Clarinda Lied Public Library stopped by to teach our TC patients how to play Pitch!
Clarinda Lied Public Library stopped by to teach our TC patients how to play Pitch!
Clarinda Lied Public Library stopped by to teach our TC patients how to play Pitch!
Clarinda Lied Public Library stopped by to teach our TC patients how to play Pitch!
Our staff showed off their Halloween Costumes to the TC patients!
Our staff showed off their Halloween Costumes to the TC patients!
Our staff showed off their Halloween Costumes to the TC patients!
Carol working on gaining strength and her puzzle solving skills!
Beautiful flowers courtsey of the Clarinda Flower Shop. We love having these to brighten our rooms.
Carol was our November Transitional Care Trailblazer! Nice work Carol.
Some of our TC patients working on a thankfulness activity in November.
TC Thankfulness activities turned out great.
Rachel and Ken showing off some of their Lego Club creations.
Ken's Lego Creations turned out very festive for the holiday season.
More Lego Club Creations!
A few of our Lego Club visitors the patients got to interact with.
Preparing flowers for patient rooms
Playing some cornhole in the hallway!
Some of our beautiful flower arrangements for patients!
Great work Delmar!
Recreational Therapy (RT) embraces a definition of "health" that includes not only the absence of "illness," but extends to the enhancement of physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and leisure development so individuals may participate fully and independently in chosen life pursuits. The unique feature of RT that makes it different from other therapies is the use of recreational modalities in the designed intervention strategies. RT is extremely individualized to each person by his or her past, present and future interests and lifestyle. The recreational therapist has a unique perspective regarding the social, cognitive, physical, and leisure needs of the patient. Incorporating client's interests, and the client's family and/or community makes the therapy process meaningful and relevant. Recreational therapists weave the concept of healthy living into treatment to ensure not only improved functioning, but also to enhance independence and successful involvement in all aspects of life.
CRHC's recreational therapist is located mainly in our med/surg department. Within our med/surg department, there is a room dedicated to therapy and rehab activities for in-patient care, as well as outdoor areas where patients can extend their therapies. However, many recreational therapy activities can also take place in the patient's rooms!
Research indicates that recreational therapy provides a variety of positive health outcomes for individuals of all ages.
CRHC's program will work with any in-patient, regardless of age, recovering or receiving care for medical issues such as physical disabilities, psychiatric disorders, and post-surgical patients.
Proud to be voted "Best Hospital" by Southwest Iowa year after year!
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CRHC is an Equal Opportunity Provider. “In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, color, age or disability color, age,
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