In medicine, infusion therapy, deals with the intravenous (IV) or subcutaneous application of medication through a needle or catheter. This is a way of administering medicine, nutrients or special fluids directly into the body. Often times, this is more effective than oral treatments or may be necessary if the medication needs to be dispensed at a controlled rate. Your provider may prescribe infusion therapy for you or a loved one to treat a variety of reasons for short- or long-term treatments.
Your provider may order infusion therapy for:
â–º Antibiotics - medication that fights bacterial infections
â–º Blood, plasma, or platelet transfusions - to restore healthy balance in your bloodstream
â–º Chemotherapy - or other cancer medications | see our Cancer Care page
â–º Enzyme Replacement Therapy - this treatment replaces an enzyme that is deficient
â–º Hydration - IV fluids to treat dehydration
â–º Injection Therapy Treatments
â–º Immunotherapy - a treatment that uses a person's own immune system to fight cancer
â–º Port/PICC Line care, access, & maintenance
Therapeutic Phlebotomy -
reduces the number of red blood cells or excessive iron
For your convenience and care, our new Infusion Center offers many upgraded features so that you are comfortable while receiving treatment:
â–º Dedicated parking spaces with separate entrance and waiting area
â–º Private Infusion Bays
â–º Comfortable Infusion recliners with mobile device charging
â–º Additional seating for family members or friends
â–º Windows with scenic views and sunlight
â–º Free wi-fi and cable TV
â–º Meals, snacks and refreshments
Medication is delivered through a needle or catheter directly into your veins. This method is typically done by a healthcare professional and not at home.
This is an injection where medication is delivered deep into the muscles. This allows the bloodstream to absorb medication quickly. Sometimes an intramuscular injection can be administered at home.
These are also injections, but it is delivered between the skin and muscle which allows for a slower absorption over a long period of time.
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CRHC is an Equal Opportunity Provider. “In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, color, age or disability color, age,
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